What: A swim class focusing on fitness and stroke technique. You may join the class at anytime after being evaluated for readiness if there is space.
Three class levels will be offered.Class Levels may meet at the same time.
This is not a learn to swim class. I am coaching from the deck and the pool is 6ft deep at all parts. Children must be at least 5 years of age and be confident swimmers in 6ft of water plus the following requirements for each level.*
Level 1: Child must already be able to swim 25 yards freestyle independently and be able to kick on their back independently for 25 yards. (25 yards is the length of a typical lap swimming pool)
Level 2: Child must already be able to swim 50 yards freestyle efficiently with side breathing, 25 yards backstroke, and has been introduced to breaststroke and butterfly.
Level 3: Children must be able to swim 75 yards freestyle with side breath, 50 yards backstroke, 25 butterfly, and 25 breaststroke efficiently and legally. Level 3 is for the advanced summer league swimmer or former competitive swimmer. This level will be run as a true swim practice with participants swimming between 1000 and 1800 yards each class. Recommended age is 11 and over.
Tuesdays: Combined Level1/2 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Where: Georgetown Recreation Center 1003 N. Austin Ave Georgetown, Texas
You may pay by the month or for the entire semester. Sibling discounts of 10%
Please contact Coach Amy with any questions or the link to register.